在宅勤務: work from home
I believe working from home is quite useful to all employees to avoid the commuting problem such as the rush hour. 在宅勤務はラッシュアワーを回避する方法としてとても便利です。
Our Prime Minister will make a proclamation about the emergency crisis. 首相は緊急事態宣言を出した。(緊急事態に対して宣言を出した)
This announcement will not be efficient for our lifestyle. 宣言は私達のライフスタイルには影響を与えないだろう。
We are looking into… We are exploring the ideas of.. We are considering… We hope that…
Does anyone have any input/anything to add? Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there any questions (or concerns)?
Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that? It’s … Is that correct? Let me confirm,… is that right? Wait, go back, would you?
Once again… Did you get that?